Fleuriot & Associates

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Q1 2021 Update & Fund Commentary

As always, our in depth commentary rests within our quarterly's. Please keep an eye out for your personalised investment reports coming shortly. Grab a cuppa and enjoy!

This piece was compiled by Michelle Blaauw, Investment Analyst at PortfolioMetrix.

After last year’s false start and paralysing pandemic, the prospects for a sustained reopening of economies and evidence of a tangible global recovery have begun to unfold in the first quarter of 2021. The resultant improving macroeconomic landscape, ballooning stimulus packages and vaccine rollouts have provided the underpin to another very strong quarter for global and SA equity markets, many indices trading very close to record highs.

For the full local & global quarterly fund
commentaries, please click the links below.

Local Fund Commentary

Provides a commentary on the past quarter, its events and their impacts; as well as more intimate commentary on each moving part within your portfolios.

Global Fund Commentary

Provides intimate commentary on each moving part within your portfolios.