Our Partner in Investment

Constructing and maintaining investment portfolios requires skills and dedication. As part of our ongoing development, we have made a strategic decision to partner with PortfolioMetrix (PMX) - a specialist investment management firm. Using world class systems, PMX provides exclusive advisory and discretionary portfolio management services to independent financial advisers and private wealth managers, like us. They build and manage customised portfolios for our clients that maximise expected returns while mitigating risk. 

Why we Partner with PortfolioMetrix

We want to dedicate our time to understanding your financial needs and goals. Much like your GP, we can provide you with skilled advice in many areas and as such need to maintain a high level of understanding across the board. However, also like a GP, we need to work with specialists in certain critical disciplines to ensure etc best possible results. Investment management is one of the most critical in the wealth management process ad the world of investments is complicated and ever-changing. It requires a dedicated, skilled team to assess the best possible investments. We believe PMX is that team, allowing us to deliver a superior integrated wealth management service.